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Purchase Order for Goods and Services

The following procedures provide departments with a useful process to create PO's at the department level when making purchases with vendors whom require them. This procedure will also allow departments to purchase goods and services without processing a check request prior to the order being placed or using a personal credit card and can save much needed time when ordering rush items.


  1. All purchases of telephones, telephone equipment, and accessories must be approved by the Computing & Technology Services Office prior to sending the PO to the vendor.
  2. All chair purchases must adhere to the College's ergonomic and caster specifications.
  3. All purchases of computer hardware and software, accessories, printers, PDA's, projectors and peripherals must be discussed and approved by David Brouwer, CTS, prior to sending the PO to the vendor.
  4. In order to properly account for college purchased equipment in the Property Control System, when purchasing any equipment, computers etc. please forward a copy of the PO to Noreen Poirier, Physical Plant.
  5. The department head or authorized designee for the account must sign in the approval area before the PO is forwarded to the vendor. A check request should not be processed until the merchandise and invoice is received by the department.
  6. Each department must create a log of PO numbers assigned for each fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) for each Foundation account (Exhibit 1). The PO number will be a 10-digit number beginning with F followed by the account number and then two digits that will be consecutively numbered.

    For example: Foundation account number 3272.40.0 will use the number system


  1. Using the Purchase Order Form, complete each field with appropriate information. All PO forms should include the department name and address in the Ship To and Bill To fields. Indicate shipping expense on the form or include Plus Shipping in the description area if exact shipping charges are not known when the order is placed.
  2. All pricing for the PO should be obtained through a catalog, quote or other forms of information received from the vendor. Companies with State Contracts are not required to offer that pricing when Foundation funds are used, therefore the state contract number is not required on the PO form. Since most state contract vendors generally extend that pricing to purchases made with Foundation funds, it is important to indicate the contract pricing on the PO form. If the company chooses not to offer it, they will contact you directly with revised pricing.


The College's Receiving Department will receive all orders. Receiving personnel will know by the "F "designation in the PO number that the item does not require the normal check in process. The package will be delivered to the department unopened.

When items are received, the department should open up the package and inspect for accuracy and damage. The department will handle all problems with packages directly with the vendor.

The department will do all inquiries and follow-ups on orders directly with the vendor.


The vendor will send an invoice to the department when the order is shipped. The department should contact the vendor if an invoice is not received within two weeks of receiving the merchandise.

Payment should be processed through the Foundation Office using a Check Request Form.

  • the invoice and a copy of the PO should be used as back-up documentation.

After the check is processed, the Foundation Office will send the check to the company's payment address as indicated on the invoice. Most vendors require a maximum of thirty days for payment; therefore it is imperative that you process the check request as soon as you receive the merchandise AND the invoice, but not before you have both.

Please note that the invoice will become interest eligible if not paid within the thirty-day time frame, which may cause additional charges being added to your payment. Therefore, prompt payment is imperative.The department will handle all payment issues directly with the vendor.