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New Budget Approval Process

The President's Council has a new budget approval process as of 8/31/14.

The process is as follows:

  • All budget requests (purchases, travel, Central Printing recharges etc.) of $200 or more are still required to have a President's Council member's signature from that division.
  • Pcard holders have a $200 per transaction limit and a $1000 monthly limit.
  • Pcard holders that have been given an approved increased limit will remain at that current limit.
  • Any pcard increase requests must be sent in writing with proper supervisor's approval, however if the expenditure is more than $200 it must be approved by PC member.
  • No split ordering will be allowed.
  • Travel card limits will be adjusted once approved travel requisition has been received and reviewed by our office.An email will be sent to the individual traveler once their card has been increased.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.