The Potsdam College Foundation is a non-profit corporation, established in 1968 to steward the continued growth of private giving in support of SUNY Potsdam. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. Gifts to the Foundation are used to provide annual support to meet ongoing campus needs and to establish permanent endowed funds to support such things as student scholarships and programs. In addition, the Foundation owns art objects and cultural artifacts in the Permanent Collection that are used for teaching and display on the campus. The Foundation manages assets exceeding $50.2 million, including an endowment comprised of gifts from both individuals and investment return.
Mission of the Foundation
The mission of the Potsdam College Foundation is to secure and manage private financial support and other gifts that build a sustainable future for SUNY Potsdam. The Foundation is committed to the College's goal to recruit and retain students, as well as enhance their experiences in and out of the classroom. The Foundation stewards its resources for the long-term benefit of SUNY Potsdam while also providing the maximum possible current financial support to the College and its students, consistent with the wishes of the Foundation's generous donors.