Dr Gregory A. Gardner
I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in management, strategy, and international business. I am a two-time Fulbright scholar and have taught at universities in Ukraine and Hungary and specialize in Eastern European economic and business conditions. I advise a number of companies in operations there.
I am currently involved in an ongoing research initiative to study the impacts of global climate change on wine production and wine tourism. I am working on that effort with colleagues and students from the US and Portugal, as well as Austria, Hungary, Spain, and Romania. We cannot slow the progress of climate change so we must develop strategies to deal with the results.
I am on the board of the regional economic development agency and am actively engaged in helping the region grow economically. I also advise local businesses on strategy and markets and I manage the department's extension site programs in surrounding counties.
I am a retired military officer, with extensive experience in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. I also have corporate experience in management, strategic planning, and international business.
- PhD in Organizational Management, Capella University
- MS Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle University
- BS Industrial Technology, Southern Illinois University
- Post-Grad work in International Relations, Troy State University (European Extension)
Publications (Partial List):
(June 2019) Information System of Scientific Activity Indicators of Scientific Organizations: Development Status and Prospects, Co-author with 6 others, 15th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
(March, 2019) The impact of climate change on tourism and wine production in our future, Keynote Speaker and Track Coordinator, 2nd International Conference on Tourism Research, Portucalense University, Porto, Portugal
(December 2016) The strategic economic impacts of global climate change on water-based tourism in the New York/Canadian 1000 Islands region, International Forum on Tourism and Heritage, Portucalense University, Porto, Portugal
(2015) Innovative Strategies of American World-Class Research Universities. Economic Policy, Kyiv, Ukraine
(May 2012) The Challenges of Venture Capital Operations in Emerging Markets, Business Research Consortium, SUNY Oswego, New York, USA
(April 2008) Возможный Кризис Валюты в Украине (Possible Currency Crisis in Ukraine), National Academy of Finance, Dnipropetrovsk. Presented in Russian.
(February 2008) Entrepreneurship and Higher Education, International Conference on Entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Institute Strategia, Zhovti Vodi, Ukraine.
(2008) The role of university incubators in international economic development. Journal of Educational Technology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.
(2008) Cossacks ride again: An origin branding strategy for Kherson, Ukraine. European Economics Journal, Kyiv, Ukraine
(2007) Entrepreneurship in Ukrainian economic development: A regional perspective, Economics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Primary Author
(2007) Distance learning and higher education: A global view. Journal of Educational Technology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.
(September, 2007) Origin Branding for Kherson, Ukraine, Ukrainian National Conference on Perspectives of Nationally Competitive Regional Economies, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
(October, 2005) Strategic Choices for Rural Economic Developers. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management, Phoenix, Arizona, USA