Ryan Mix (BMus Ed '04) presently serves as the Senior Piano Technician for the Crane School of Music and manages the service needs of over 100 Steinway pianos. He is proud to return to his alma mater after two decades of experience teaching, and studying and practicing as a piano technician.
Ryan first began to develop interest in the field of piano technology shortly after graduating from Crane while working as a Stage Technician at the Tanglewood Music Center (Lenox, MA). His formal training is rooted in large music schools: The University of Western Ontario (London, ON) where he earned a Certificate in Piano Technology and Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL) where he earned his Master's in Music in Piano Technology and spent one year walking tight wire in the collegiate Flying High Circus. He then served as the Piano Technician at Luther College (Decorah, IA), managing nearly 100 pianos and planned for their piano rebuilding and replacement endeavors. Ryan has studied and worked extensively with the unique challenges of large piano inventory management. He also takes pride in offering exceptional concert service for Music Mountain (Falls Village, CT) and Tanglewood, and has rebuilt actions for Steinways and other fine pianos at Flynn Pianos (Great Barrington, MA).
Ryan draws on experiences from a wide range of education and employment. He has taught beginning band and orchestra for the Rochester City School District (NY) and helped adults working toward independence and needing various degrees of in home and community living support as a Life Skills Trainer at Opportunity Homes (Decorah, IA) and as a Life Skills Coach at the College Internship Program (Lee, MA).
Ryan maintains an active membership as a Registered Piano Technician with the Piano Technicians Guild. Ryan currently lives in Potsdam, walks to work, and is dedicated to advancing the musical arts in the community.
Ryan thanks Beverly, his vegetable oil powered bus for its mechanical challenges which lead him to his career in piano technology.