Mei Shen completed her doctoral degree in Special Education at Michigan State University, with a graduate specialization in language and literacy education. Dr. Shen teaches a variety of special education courses, including literacy assessment and instruction for students with disabilities, positive behavior support, universal design for learning, instructional and assistive technology, etc. Her research focuses on literacy assessment and instruction for struggling learners, particularly those with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. She is particularly interested in evidence-based instructional practices to help improve reading and/or writing performance for these struggling students. Dr. Shen has been actively involved in research activities, which have led to publications at peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and state level conferences. She also has been making consistent efforts to ensure that her teaching is well informed by research.
BE, Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University
MEd, Special Education, East China Normal University
Ph.D., Special Education, Michigan State University
Publications:Troia, G. A., Shen, M., & Brandon, D. (2019). Multidimensional levels of language writing measures in grades four to six. Written Communication.
Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2018). Teaching children with language learning disabilities to plan and revise compare-contrast texts. Learning Disability Quarterly, 41(1), 44-61.
Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2018). Evidence-based practices to improve expository writing performance of students with learning disabilities: Strategy instruction vs. genre study. International Dyslexia Associations Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 44(2), 10-16.
Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2017). Relationship between reading motivation, reading activity, oral language, and reading achievement in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. International Journal of Special Education, 32(1), 134-179.
Shen, M. & Troia, G. A. (2016). Teaching struggling writers to be strategic: How to write good compare-contrast essays. IL ASCD, 62(2), 40-50.
Selected Conferences:
Shen, M. (2019, October). Writing nonfiction texts: The role of self-regulation strategies in effective writing instruction. Session presentation given at the 2019 Journey into Literacy (JIL) conference, State University of New York at Potsdam, Potsdam, NY.
Truckenmiller, A. & Shen, M. (2019, February). Relations between expressive written language and writing performance in middle school. Poster presentation given at the 27th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), San Diego, CA.
Shen, M. (2018, July). Improving expository writing performance for students with language-learning disabilities: Strategy instruction vs. genre Study. Session presentation given at the 2018 International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Convention, Austin, TX.
Shen, M. (2018, March). Evidence-based writing practices for students with language impairment. Session presentation given at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children (MCEC) 78th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Shen, M., & Troia, G. A. (2017, July). Empowering students with language impairment with effective planning and revising strategies for expository writing. Session presentation given at the 2017 International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.