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Research & Creative Endeavors Program

March 24, 2017

The next deadline for the Research and Creative Endeavors program is Wednesday April 5, 2017.  Submissions are due by 4 p.m. in the Research and Sponsored Programs Office, located in 238 Satterlee Hall.

The Research and Creative Endeavors Program is designed to provide faculty and staff with seed money to pursue a research or scholarly project and eventually seek and attract external funding for their work. As in the past, in making awards, the Committee will especially emphasize projects that have the potential to encourage new faculty, women and minorities; to support research and creative endeavors across the disciplines; and to attract external resources. The maximum award per project is $1,000. Generally, this program does not provide funding for conference travel, computer equipment and general office expenses.

The online application can be found on the Research and Sponsored Programs website or contact the office at x2131.

For Media Inquiries

Alexandra Jacobs Wilke, College Communications (315) 267-2114

Campus Announcements