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Academic Major: Psychology
Advisor: Heather Beauchamp

Grace Dumas PHotoTitle: How COVID-19 Impacts Learning and School Experiences of Multiple Born Children

My project explores the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning and school experiences of multiples (i.e., twins, triplets, etc.). This topic is a timely one to be researched, given the current condition of the educational system in the United States. The far-reaching educational ramifications of this pandemic put families with multiples at a disproportional risk, given the developmental and health challenges that come with being a multiple born child. I will gather data from families who have one or more sets of multiple born children. This research will educate parents and guardians of multiples on their children’s experience in the classroom. I plan to pursue a career in school psychology. School psychologists test children for mental disabilities in order to provide services needed to improve their educational experience. My research project, will survey families and analyze their responses in hopes to make conclusions about how the school experiences of multiple born children are impacted by COVID-19. Using this data, I will be able to find ways to potentially improve the experiences of these children as I would for any other child in my future occupation. I intend for my research survey to be disseminated nationally thus generating data that is comprehensive.