Reminder: Time to file your FAFSA. Go to for important information about completing your FAFSA.
Financial Aid not showing up on your bill? Phone volume is usually higher when the bills first come out. Before you pick up the phone, you may want to check the following:
- Have you completed your FAFSA for the current Academic Year? View important information about completing your FAFSA.
Have you completed your TAP, listing SUNY Potsdam (SUC Potsdam) as your school? - Did you check on BearPAWS for any incomplete student requirements to see if you have done everything you should to receive your financial aid?
- Click on Student Services & Financial Aid
- Click on Financial Aid
- Click on Eligibility
- Click on Student Requirement
Please address any outstanding requirements and allow time for the system to process the changes.
Why is my Federal Work Study not showing on my bill?
- Federal Work Study represents money to be earned. Work Study funds are paid directly to the student through pay checks. The amount of Work Study funds will not show as a credit on the bill.
Check your status! Your financial aid eligibility is based in part on:
- your enrollment: 12 or more credits, 9-11 credits, 6-8 credits or less than half-time,
- your housing (on-campus, at home/commuting, or in an apartment/off-campus) and
- your matriculation (undergraduate or graduate) status.
Discrepancies may not change your financial aid, but it will prevent your Federal aid from showing on your bill and disbursing. Please check your status on BearPAWS (under Award Overview), and submit a Status Change Form to the Financial Aid Office with any changes.
Is your Parent Loan not showing on the bill?
- Did you complete a Parent PLUS Loan application? Please check our Process to Apply for the Parent PLUS Loan page for more information. A new application must be completed each year.
Did you recently complete the Parent Loan application? Please allow time for our staff to review and process the loan certification.
Did you recently submit documentation? Due to the large volume of mail, it will take us some time to review and process it. You can follow progress on BearPAWS.