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Frequently Asked Questions

If the item was stolen on campus, contact University Police. They will send an officer to you and take a report. You will need to know the make, model and serial number, along with any details of the incident. A copy of the University Police report will need to be submitted to the Property Control Office and to your Department Equipment Coordinator.

If the item was stolen off campus, contact your local police. A copy of the police report will need to be submitted to University Police and the Property Control Office.

So long as the other department is willing to receive the item(s), fill out the Property Transfer/Surplus Form and submit it to your Department Equipment Coordinator. Please keep a copy of the completed form for your records

We are only responsible for State-purchased/owned equipment. Please determine how these items were purchased. If they were not purchased by the College, the items do not belong to the State and we are not responsible for disposing of them.

No. Please contact the Help Desk and put in a ticket for the disposal of the printer. Any sensitive data will be “cleaned” from it and the printer will be properly recycled.

Yes, but please fill out a Property Transfer/Surplus Form. Your Department Equipment Coordinator will send this form to the College’s Property Control Coordinator. By doing so, the location will be properly noted and updated on the property record for the annual audit/inventory.

Please contact The College Foundation so they may properly administer and accept any gifts given to a department or to the College. The Foundation will officially transfer the gifted equipment to State ownership through the Property Control Office.

Fill out a Property Transfer/Surplus Form regarding the asset(s) and explain what you know or have found out. This gives appropriate reason to retire the asset. The word “gone” or “can’t be found” is not sufficient; a detailed explanation is required.

In years past, when the ownership tags were placed on the equipment, the cost threshold for adding assets to the Property Control System was much lower. The minimum value is currently $1,000 and any asset with a lower value from years past has been purged from the PCS.

Putting unwanted items in the hallway is not proper disposal of state-owned equipment and would not only be in violation of the Fire and Safety Codes, it could make the department liable for an OSHA fine. A Property Transfer/Surplus Form should be completed and submitted to your Department Equipment Coordinator. The Dept. Equipment Coordinator will then send a copy to the Property Control Coordinator and process a work order to have the asset removed.

This equipment is still property of the State and removing it from campus would be considered theft.

NYS laws governs the surplus of State property and will not allow property to be given to a non-State agency. The unwanted equipment needs to be transferred or surplused using the Property Transfer/Surplus Form.

Contact the Help Desk so that a time can be scheduled to pick up the computers. IT will “clean” the hard drives and properly recycle the computers. Please make sure that you record the transfer of the computers on your less than $5,000 inventory spreadsheet.

Any equipment purchased by the College belongs to the State and cannot be given away or taken. Upon leaving the College or department, you must return all equipment.