When we say hands-on, we mean it. Gain firsthand experience in the laboratory, in the classroom, in the field and on the job. Learn more about all we have to offer.
- Small classes, with faculty-led labs and classes. You’ll learn from expert scientists from day one.
- In the shadow of the Adirondacks, you’re surrounded by a natural laboratory to explore and investigate the diverse environments of streams, forests, wetlands and mountains.
- Active research programs ranging from combating invasive species to wildlife conservation to river restoration to climate change.
- Unique resources and facilities, from our collection of drones and a GC Mass spectrometer, to our WISER Greenhouse and all-new laboratories.
Undergraduate Programs
- Biochemistry, B.S.
- Biology, B.A.
- Biology, B.S.
- Chemistry, B.A.
- Environmental Science, B.S.
- Environmental Studies, B.A.
- Geology, B.A.
- Geology, B.S. (Licensure Qualified)
Riley Nofarthomas '23 talks about the Environmental Adirondack Experience, a unique program that allows first-year students to take English, ecology and biology courses and head out into Adirondack mountains for a series of field trips to expand on classroom topics.
Inquire today:
“I have been intrigued by fossils and rocks since I was old enough to know what they were. And after my second geology course, historical geology, I was hooked. Dr. Page Quinton was a huge factor in me declaring my major. Her passion for geology and paleontology really resonated with me, and the more I learned, the more I became excited to know more and more. It’s truly extraordinary that so much can be determined about the history of the earth just from the rocks and formations from different eras.”
Geology Major