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Faculty Handbook Appendices

The Appendices below are available in Adobe PDF format.

Note: There is no Appendix XII.

Appendix IBylaws of the Faculty of the State University College at Potsdam
Appendix IISUNY Potsdam Organizational Charts
Appendix IIIDescription of Administrative Responsibilities Within SUNY Potsdam
Appendix IVCode of Ethics, Paragraph 74 of the Public Officers Law
Appendix VSalary Schedules
Appendix VINew York State Ethics in Government Act
Appendix VIIEqual Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action, Executive Order No. 6
Appendix VIIISexual Harassment, Executive Order No. 19
Appendix IXSexual Orientation, Executive Order No. 28
Appendix XGrievances Procedures for State Employees, Executive Order No. 42
Appendix XISUNY Potsdam College Academic Calendar
Appendix XIIISchedule of Submission Dates Pertaining to Contract Renewals Leaves, And Promotions
Appendix XIVTravel Allowances
Appendix XVCivil Service Law, Political Activities by State Officers and Employees
Appendix XVIStudent Grievance Procedure
Appendix XVIIChancellor's Statement on Governance
Appendix XVIIIPolicy on Conflict of Interest
Appendix XIXMobile Phone Usage, Executive Order No. 110
Appendix XXPrivate Institutions which Discriminate, Executive Order No. 17
Appendix XXIEstablishment of Ethical Conduct Guidelines, Executive Order No. 1
Appendix XXIIEliminating Politics from Government Decision-Making, Executive Order No.

For more information, please contact the Melissa Proulx, Vice President for Administration and Human Resources.