Students join Greek Life by engaging in the rush/new member process. Rush is the time period that students use to become better acquainted with fraternities or sororities in order to determine which one is the best fit for them.
Steps in the Rush process:
- For chapters who participate in InterSorority Council (ISC): Students interested in joining a sorority that is a member of ISC will participate in formal rush where they will be asked, over a course of three weeks, to meet with every sorority and then spend time getting to know members of those sororities they are most interested in. The sororities that participate in ISC include: Alpha Kappa Phi (Ago) and Phi Kappa Pi (Phi K).
For the other chapter: The chapter who is not a member of InterSorority Council conducts its own individual recruitment processes. Students interested in joining this chapter should contact a current member or the Coordinator of Greek Life to find out more. This chapter includes: Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI). - After the rush process, students are formally invited to join the fraternity or sorority through receiving a bid.
- Accepting a bid begins the new member education process, which at SUNY Potsdam lasts no more than 30 days. During this period, new members become better acquainted with other new members, current members and alumni of the fraternity/sorority, learn the history and values of the fraternity/sorority, and become aware of the mutual expectations held between the individuals and the group.
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to accept a bid and begin the new member education process certain academic requirements must be met:
- Students must be in good academic standing, i.e. not on academic warning or academic probation, with a minimum 2.0 cumulative and previous semester GPA (some chapters require a higher GPA).
- Students must have completed a minimum of 12 college credit hours, post high school graduation.