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To comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, SUNY Potsdam is taking the following measures as required by law:

  • An annual disclosure to students describing copyright law and campus policies related to violating copyright law will be sent by the Office of College Communications.
  • We will "effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials" by users of its network, including "the use of one or more technology-based deterrents" such as:
  1. Bandwidth shaping
  2. Traffic monitoring to identify the largest bandwidth users
  3. A vigorous program of accepting and responding to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices
  4. A variety of commercial products designed to reduce or block illegal file sharing
  • A plan to "offer alternatives to illegal downloading".

SUNY Potsdam will continue to track developments in this area in conjunction with EDUCAUSE. For the latest information, see the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Opportunity Act resource page at